As the years go by, we get bigger. To meet the needs of our audiences, and respond more clearly, we have created different lines of business.

Agroveco helps numerous farmers who seek to output the results of their farms in the best way. It is responsible for converting the raw material into quality feed for animals, both domestic and farm.
Cadebro is the brand with which we were born and have not stopped growing. The brand of the cooperative is the link between farmers seeking fair treatment and the Agroveco feed manufacturer.
Servicampo is an Agricultural Cooperative that brings together more than 70 members, specialized as OPFH (Organization of Fruit and Vegetable Producers) whose exclusive destination is the canning industry.
Our business lines

With the Agroveco brand we respond to consumers looking for quality feed for farm animals, regardless of whether they are domestic or large farms

Dexter is our “commodity” brand in the Pet sector. Under it, we market safe feed at the best price.

Thanks to Rex we can talk to people who want to give their dogs and cats the best quality food.

With EquusLine we guarantee a high quality and safe food specialized for horses.
Address Headquarters
Avenida de Logroño, 136
50620, Zaragoza (España)
Customer Service

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